Joanne Alexander & Kathy Fisette
Our mission is to offer the finest full-potency extracts made from the freshest, highest-quality plants available.
Herbal medicine is as old as humankind and as widespread as the occurrence of communities. Herbal medicine is based on an intimate, practical knowledge of plants handed down for hundreds of generations while acknowledging the unique needs of individuals. While diet, exercise, and increased self-awareness form the foundation of health, fresh herbal therapy provides one of the key elements in the process of self-care.
We grow and wildcraft herbs in our bioregion and we source consciously wildcrafted plants from Hands On Organic, certified organic herbs from Pacific Botanicals, and local small farmers.
Each phase of the production, from growing and selecting herbs, to the lengthy process of herbal extraction we do ourselves.
Our Compounds are synergistic combinations of herbs for a wide variety of common health concerns.
Liquid herbal extracts or tinctures are considered one of the most effective ways to take herbal supplements.
Unlike pills and capsules, liquid herbal extracts are immediately absorbed and assimilated into the bloodstream. Extracts are created by soaking herbs in a liquid menstruum of organic grain alcohol, water, kosher vegetable glycerin, or any combination of these.
This herb and menstruum mixture is mixed and turned for a minimum of two to four weeks and then pressed and filtered to leave a pure liquid herbal extract.
The quality and source of herbs used are of the highest importance. We have concentrated our efforts on obtaining fresh herbs picked at the optimum time for maximum potency.
We extract all of our herbs with gluten free, certified organic pharmaceutical grade grain alcohol.
Supports Aging Process
fresh Ginkgo, fresh Hawthorn, fresh Gotu Kola, Maca, Saw Palmetto, Eleuthero
A male tonic formula that strengthens and tones the circulatory and male reproductive system. It helps to relieve mental fatigue, improves memory and focus, and helps prevent the symptoms associated with aging.
Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba fresh leaf
Ginkgo strengthens the cardiac system increasing blood flow and oxygen circulation throughout the body. It reverses the effects of insufficient blood circulation such as memory loss, vertigo, headache, depression, and tinnitus. Ginkgo is a protective and therapeutic brain stimulant useful for the treatment and prevention of geriatric dementia (cerebral vascular insufficiency).
Hawthorn Crataegus oxyacantha fresh ripe berry, leaf, flower
Hawthorn is the best tonic for the heart and circulatory system. It nourishes the heart, assisting it to return to normal activity by either gently stimulating or depressing its activity as needed. It is a mild coronary vasodilator, increasing the blood supply to the heart muscles and lessening the potential for spasms, angina, and shortness of breath.
Gotu Kola Hydrocotyle asiatica fresh whole plant
The most important rejuvenating herb in Ayurvedic medicine revitalizing the nerves and the brain cells, while fortifying the immune system (both cleansing and feeding it) and strengthens the adrenals. It increases intelligence, longevity, and memory, thereby decreasing senility and the effects of aging. It promotes mental calm and clarity and assists in the practice of yoga and meditation.
Saw Palmetto Serenoa serrulata dried berries
This herb has restorative and tonic actions upon the male reproductive organs especially the prostate gland, reducing enlargement and irritation. It increases sexual appetite and restores lost power from excesses.
Eleuthero Eleuthroccocus senticosus dried root
Eleuthero is an adaptogen that helps the body cope with the excessive demands and stress created by life-style and work. It increases stamina and mental alertness, thereby countering exhaustion, depression, and general debility. Eleuthero is a circulatory stimulant and a vasodilator that helps to normalize excessively low blood pressure.
~Actions and Indications~
This compound is a restorative and nutritive tonic for the heart and circulatory system. It strengthens and tones the male reproductive system, the prostate gland, in particular, and increases general stamina. It helps prevent high blood pressure, blocked blood vessels, and hypertension. It relieves mental fatigue, improves memory acuteness, and focus, and helps prevent the symptoms associated with senility.
Take 40-60 drops in a little warm water twice each day.